Discover the healing power of pure, unadulterated Fosters mānuka honey.

Pure New Zealand mānuka honey, there’s nothing else like it in the world. Scientifically analysed, tested and proven antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties give this superfood its power. From sore throats to septic wounds, from bad breath to acne, the healing properties of mānuka are celebrated everywhere.
The work of New Zealand biochemist Dr Peter Molan identified the chemical structure that gives mānuka honey its medicinal properties, which we test for carefully. Dr Molan’s research was primarily on the use of honey as a medicine, discovering that mānuka honey has an unusual type of antibacterial activity that makes it especially effective in treating infections. This led into research on the use of honey to heal wounds and the development of honey-based materials for use as wound dressings.

We source our high grade mānuka honey from remote native forests in the far north of New Zealand. The strongest honey grows where the plants are the most stressed – the more remote and hostile the environment – the better the honey. Our honey has a certified rating of UMF 10+ to UMF 30+. By trekking to secluded, rugged locations, we can bring you the strongest, most premium honey there is.
The flowering cycle of mānuka trees allows only a short window for harvest so by moving our hives to other regions we can maximise the limited flowering time. As the weather warms up, we transport our hives down the country to catch late flowering mānuka.